2012 Interviews

17 May 12 – Geoff Downes, Rock Realms 13 Sep 12 – Geoff Downes, Geeks of Doom 20 Sep 12 – Steve Howe, Guitar World

Dante Prog (Instant Classic)

I’m not going to be cute about this.  I’m taking the direct route.  Asia’s new album XXX is a masterful exhibition of classic progressive rock. Read More

Metal Perspective (4.5/5)

Thirty years on from their multi-million selling debut; the original four members of Asia have proved that the blueprint that made the band so popular all those years ago can still sound amazingly relevant now. Is, as some are suggesting, ‘XXX’ the best thing that...

Sea of Tranquility (4.5/5)

There is a real buzz around XXX which is more than justified – three decades since their formation Asia have released an album that is the sound of a band rejuvenated and is a “must buy” for fans old and new alike. Read More

Pure Rawk (Essential)

Asia’s fans will lap this up, and I dare say there are a great many who after listening to this, will discover Asia for the first time, and they’ll love it just the same. It has mass appeal, and if there’s any justice in the world, it will sell by the bucket load. If...